St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

Learning Highlights Primary 5 A 2/11/20


Another exciting week for Primary 5!

Topic – We have started our new topic and we have been learning about the Wars of Independence! Primary 5  have already created a timeline of important events and watched some BBC Bitesize history clips which helped us to understand how the Wars of Independence started.  We had fun making notes about the main points and using them in our class discussion.

Numeracy –  We have been learning to subtract 3, 4 and  5 digit numbers using the written method.  Some of us shared our methods and  strategies during number talks.

Writing  Our writing this week was based on creating and designing a firework safety poster for children our own age. We discussed what makes a good poster and tried hard to include colourful illustrations, catchy slogans and appropriate graphics in our work.

Outdoor Learning  Our class collected a variety of leaves in the woodlands so that we could use them to design our own Autumn wreath. We collected different colours, styles and types of leaves. They looked fantastic and we have even added some glitter to make them sparkle!

R.E.  Primary 5 learned about the Creation story from the book of Genesis and made their own storyboards describing what happened each day. Our completed work was amazing !

Hot Chocolate Award – Congratulations to JJ for being our hot chocolate winner and going over and above with his learning this week !

Mrs Lea and Primary 5 A



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