St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

Primary 5B – Week beginning 26.10.20


Dear readers,

We hope you are all very well and have been managing to keep safe!😃

As always, this has been a super busy week in Primary 5B! Let’s see if we can remember about everything we did.

We started with our new super duper tricky spelling words and Mrs Valente is really looking forward to see how well we’ve done in our weekly spelling assessment!🤔

In maths, we have been solving huge addition sums using the written method and we enjoy a lot doing it. We have also improved our measuring skills by learning how to use a ruler with centimetres and millimetres to measure our classroom objects, but only after having estimated their measures before.

Our reading comprehension was on Chapter 5 of the Secret Garden and because we have finished our Secret Garden topic, but not our book, we got to watch The Secret Garden with popcorn brought by Mrs Valente! 🥳

Of course we only got to do this after our Spelling assessment and our Big maths because we are all completely crazy about our weekly scores and didn’t want to miss a week of them!😂

Our grammar lesson this week was about adverbs and we have learned not only what the word means  but also what they do and how to use and identify them.

The writing session of the week was about the Secret Garden and we have been asked to pretend to be Mary Lennox writing a letter to her Ayah to let her know about the way she has been feeling since she left India and also how much she has changed since. It was very interesting and we would like to congratulate all who worked hard on this, particularly our star writers of the week, for their brilliant work: Hanna, Monique and Sam!🥇🥇🥇

Going to the woodlands was super fun and we have collected the most beautiful leaves ever to make our Autumn wreaths, that we hope will be amazing.

And these were only some of the many things we did during this week! You can imagine how tired we are, of course, and in need of a restful, cosy and sweet ( with treats) weekend!🎃🎃🎃

Have a wonderful time until next week!

Love from Primary 5B and Mrs Valente

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