St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P7B Weekly Update


Dear Parents and Friends,

Another busy week in P7B, with learning right across the curriculum.

In literacy we have continued with our class novel about 4 children lost in the Amazon rainforest eating grubs and cocoa beans to survive – this gave me an idea to try some very strong dark chocolate – 70%, 78%, 85% and 99% cocoa! There were a range of reactions from loving it to spitting it out but Oskar’s reaction to the 99% cocoa looked like this…


In Numeracy we have been working on multiplication – multiplying by 10, 100 and 1000 (and multiples of), doubling and halving and 4 digit numbers by a single digit.  There is some decent challenge within this but it is made so much easier when we have quick recall of tables facts.  Any extra support you can give us with times tables will really help.

We have started our new topic, Japan, and are excited to find out all about the geography, culture and history of this exciting country.

On Friday, as a special treat because the current situation has meant that for the safety of all Halloween guising has had to be called off, we spent a bit more time on Halloween than we normally do in P7.  We had some treats but had to tell a joke to get them and those that chose to, were allowed to dook for an apple.  We all had our own individual containers of water and towels and were socially distant from other when we took our turns.  Not quite normal but still good fun and safe!

Have a good weekend everyone,

Mr McGurn and Primary 7B.

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