St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

Primary 6a Weekly Update


Another excellent week of learning in primary 6!

The children have worked hard and have lots to share with their families.

Health and Well-being: HWB continues to be one of our main areas of focus in our learning and the children have been discussing their emotions through the  ‘Emotion works’ lessons.

Literacy: This week we were using description bubbles to help us improve our writing. We created description bubbles about two of the main characters in Gangsta Granny.

Maths: We have continued to work on adding and subtracting decimals. We played a decimals game with a partner and also played some math games on Sumdog and Prodigy. We have also been identifying types of angles and created Autumn pictures using angles.

IDL: We have been learning about the design of buildings and what makes them strong. We took part in a design challenge and designed buildings that would be earthquake proof. We then used spaghetti and mini marshmallows to put our buildings to the test. We also created posters to show how to be safe during an earthquake (drop, cover and hold)


Art: We used the painting ‘The Great wave’ by the artist Hokusai as inspiration for our Tsunami pictures and used oil pastels and paint to create our own versions. We also made NHS thank you cards to show our appreciation for their continued support.

Over and above: Well done to our over and above winners this week. Jagoda and William, you have worked extremely hard in all areas of your learning. Keep up the hard work!

We would also like to wish Ava and Lena all the best at their new schools. We will miss you both but we know you will continue to be awesome no matter where you are learning.

Have a fantastic break and stay safe,

Mrs Roy



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