St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P2B Week Beginning 5th October


Hello P2B Families!

Here are our best bits of the week.  I hope you enjoy going on this learning journey with us:

Amelia reported that she liked learning about skin this week.  Did you know that our skin is our biggest organ?  We learned that skin can be different colours, that it grows with you as you get older, that it gets wrinkles (like Mrs Devlin’s eyes according to Matteo) and that scabs form on our cuts to help our skin heal.  We must never pick at our scabs as they are doing an important job!  Our skin holds our insides inside otherwise everything would spill out!

Jude loved Free Writing Friday today and confidently shared his Sonic story with us.  We tried to add an adjective about size into our story.  Jude wrote the very exciting sentence, “…smaller than an ant.”

Daniel’s highlight was handwriting.  We revised the formation of ‘b’ and ‘p’.  We know they both begin with a downward then upward movement.

Markuss loved making a body sculpture using tinfoil to finish off our topic of ‘The Body’.  We had to manipulate a sheet of tinfoil to create a body.  We were not allowed to use glue or sellotape, plus we had a challenge!  We had to make it sit, stand or hang!  Most people were able to complete the challenge.  A super try everyone!

Mrs Devlin’s highlight was when we looked up the location of St John’s Hospital (links with Our Body topic) on Google Earth.  The children were AMAZED to see how it was located from Space!  We then looked up our school and then where I went to school!  Very exciting stuff!

I hope you all enjoy the upcoming break and I will see everyone back on Wednesday 21st!

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