St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P7A week ending 2nd October 2020


Sorry we didn’t post on Friday but we had a very busy day.

On Friday, we presented our Assembly about Kindness to P4-P7.  We felt nervous, happy and excited before it started.  We had been preparing it for just over two weeks.  Everyone who wanted to say something got the chance to and we all took part in some way.  After Sarah introduced us, we started by signing (not singing) a song about including everyone and being kind, we made a kindness video to show the classes some ideas of how to be kind and to “pay kindness forward”, a group of boys wrote and performed a rap and managed to include Dave, our class pet slot, we told the story of Danny and his “Karma Army” and how he changed the lives of some people particularly in London.

We plan to follow Danny’s example and try to spread kindness around St John Ogilvie school.  Today we will give “kindness jars” to P4-P7.  We hope that the jars will be filled with acts of kindness that pupils do for one another.

It was also Maths Week Scotland and we used Blether Stations to discuss maths in real life situations and completed a fun problem solving maths activity called “Murder at the Movies”.

Have a great week everyone!

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