St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

Primary 4B Weekly Update


Dear Parents,

This week’s update for what we have been learning in P4B .

We have been working very hard this week with our maths. We have been taking part in the Scotland-wide Sumdog competition. This will help us prepare for the West Lothian competition which starts in November. We have also been learning more about 3D shapes finding faces, edges, vertices and vertex.

We have continued to practise our daily spelling. We are using describing bubbles in class to try and write Primary 4 level sentences. This has helped us writing interesting stories. This week we worked in trios or pairs to  investigate a famous Scottish Inventor. We then started to write a report about him, when our reports are finished we will share them with you on our personal learning blog.

In Science we have been investigating how an electrical circuit works by building our own circuits and lighting a light bulb and a sound box.

electrical circuit

During our Outdoor Learning we collected autumn leaves to create artwork which will be posted on our learning blogs next week.

On Friday morning we all watched Primary 7 Kindness Assembly on Teams. They encouraged us all “To be the reason someone smiles today.”

Some of remembered to post our homework to share with Mrs Miller.

Next week is the final week of our first term in Primary 4.

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