St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

Primary 7B Weekly Update


Dear Parents,

Here’s this week’s update for what’s been going on in P7B .

We have been working very hard this week completing various assessments in literacy and numeracy, which give us useful information of what we are doing well and what we should work on next.

We have been taking part in the Scotland-wide Sumdog competition but will really be setting our sites on winning a prize in the West Lothian competition which starts in mid November. A special metion goes to Anya and Zain who both manged to finish ALL 1000 questions!!!

We continue to enjoy our outdoor learning experiences and found measuring and calculating the volume of air in the MUGA a fun and challenging maths lesson.

Finally, here’s a review of the week from this week’s (very efficient) Lead Learners.

Dear parents,

This week we have been doing a lot of tests on Maths, English and grammar and with Mrs McLaughlin we have been doing a bit on R.M.E.. In Topic we’ve been learning about Rainforest food chains and have created our own Rainforest stories as well as our collages in art. In P.E. we had to change from basketball to co-ordinates (Because of COVID-19). We have joined the UK Sumdog competition of 2020 and enjoyed it very much almost as much as we loved eating brambles and making bird nests in the woodlands.

Oskar and Farryl.

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