St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

Primary 5 B – WB 28.09.20


Dear readers,

We hope you have had a really good week!

This week we have been learning more about The Secret Garden and we are now at the end of Chapter 4. In Literacy, we have done lots of work with our new Spelling words, which were particularly tricky this week.

In Maths, we have been doing Mental addition to help us find the best strategies to be really good and quick at our sums.

In Science, we have learned about the different parts of a plant and also about the different parts of a flower.

On the 1st of October, we found out about our new call back which is : ‘Hands on top!’ – ‘That means stop!’

For reading comprehension we have worked very hard on understanding Chapter 3 and answering with full sentences to our questions.

On Monday we went to the woodlands and have been given the task of creating our own Secret gardens with nature’s own resources from the woodlands.

Today, we watched the very first ever virtual Class assembly presented by Primary 7A and we think they have been absolutely amazing!!!!!!!

As always, we also finished off our week with Big Maths, beat that and our Weekly spelling assessment and Mrs Valente is looking forward to checking them and see how much we have improved!

Yesterday, to say goodbye to our lovely Mrs Green, who is going to be retiring, we have drawn beautiful flowers and made a giant card to give her with the most amazing flower in the front! She absolutely loved it and thanked us all so much for it! We also had a whole school assembly to have everyone saying thank you to Mrs Green for her spectacular work throughout her career as a teacher.

We have been given new ‘ Free time jotters’ where we can write, draw, take notes, practise spelling, maths or do other things we like, but only when we are finished with our tasks and still have a bit of time.😊

We hope you have enjoyed reading about our week and send you lots of love!❤

Primary 5B and Mrs Valente

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