St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P3B Learning This Week


We really enjoyed watching P3A lead our assembly on Kindness.  We heard them read the story about The Good Samaritan, which we had already worked on.  It reminded us to be kind to everyone we meet.

Naomie liked Newsround because she gets to know what is happening all around the world and Olivia liked sharing our news in the classroom.

Eoghan likes our morning activities because they are fun and they wake his brain up and get him ready for the days learning.   Maya and Jude worked hard to use the tile activity to match up words and sounds.

Veerica and Amelia said that the best activity this week was using the paint and cotton buds to create autumn trees and then we all put photos of them on our seesaw journal.

We all enjoyed our free time play this week and the big blocks group made a copy of a McDonalds shop.  Some others enjoyed playing smartboard games and being creative with loom bands.

We are looking forward to having a great week next week.

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