Dear readers,
We hope you have had a really fantastic week and that you have enjoyed your September break!
This week we have continued our work on giving directions using the compass points and are becoming true experts at that!
We have started to use water colours for our trees and they look really nice. Some of us will have them finished by the end of today and we will try to take pictures and attach them to this post.
For Literacy, we have been working on trickier connectives so that we can use them in our writing to make it even better.
As usual, we have started Friday with our Big Maths, beat that and our Spelling assessment.
For our Spelling words, we have used particularly tricky and commonly used ones to try and learn really well how to spell them.
In Music, we have been learning about the Intro song for Doctor Who and also about beats for new songs.
In PE we have been skipping and that has been lots of fun!
This week we didn’t change our classroom jobs because it was a shorter week so, if we have been class monitors and have done really well, we will be rewarded next week with even more points than usual!
In RE, we learned what a parable is and we have studied the parable of the Lost Sheep. We also answered to questions about it and have drawn a picture related to this beautiful parable.
We wish you all a really lovely weekend!
Love from Primary 5B and Mrs Valente!