St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P6B this week


A short week but a great one.

Virtual Classroom

The children have been excited about this for weeks. Our virtual classroom is now ready. This will be a space where homework will be posted for the week, alongside useful learning resources and little messages from Mr Pentland and Mrs Morrison. This is new and any feedback is welcome on how this works for adults at home and the children. I have to thank the class for their patience and waiting on this being created. Please see our virtual classroom below, the children have also been given access to this link via teams.


Morning chat/HWB

During our morning chats this week, the children have been discussing what they’ve heard on the news and have given each other great words of encouragement and motivation. Our discussions have been rich and critical. This has been very good for the class to break down the news and for us to address any misunderstandings we may have. From this we have began to look at who our ‘everyday heroes’ are and have started brainstorming how to express our appreciation. We will be working on this as a project over the next few weeks.


In numeracy this week we have been looking at multiplying and dividing by powers of 10. The time we have spent on this has been useful and illustrates to the children the reason why we add and remove zeros when multiplying and dividing by 10, 100, 1000 and so on. I have added a bitesize web page on this  for ‘homework’ to support understanding. For the foreseeable, homework will be online-based using sumdog, prodigy and/or bbc bitesize.  We have now been introduced to decimals. We will continue place value next week – looking at tenths, hundredths and thousandths. With Mrs. Morrison, the class have been doing angles, which they all have been telling me great things about.

Today is the start of Maths Week Scotland 2020. The class have been entered into the Sumdog contest for this. We will make time for this in class but this can also be done at home.


For literacy this week, we have continued using our ‘description bubble’. This week we wrote a descriptive story based on a volcano. The children enjoyed this task and have shown off their writing skills along with their knowledge of volcanoes learned through their topic based research. Very impressed with everyone.

Again, it has been a great week in P6B! A massive thank you from Mr Pentland and Mrs Morrison. We hope you all have a fantastic weekend and can’t wait to see you all again next week! 

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