St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P2B Week Beginning 21.9.20


Despite being a short week, P2B have managed to squeeze in lots of learning!   Here are our ‘best bits’ according to your lovely children:

Stefi liked learning about our lungs as part of our topic learning ‘The Body’.  This week we have explored the lungs and how they fill with air when we breathe in.  We made our own lungs using small plastic bags and straws.  We watched a show were Dr Ranj had a patient who found it a bit tricky to breathe.  We heard how this can be called Asthma.  We had a look at an inhaler and discovered that the special medicine inside can help lungs to work better.  Next week we will learn about the digestive system!

Maeve enjoyed revising money.  We role played being in a shop and used 1ps to pay for items.  Next week we are going to use 2ps, 5ps and 10ps to pay also.  We are going to use our knowledge of counting in 2s, 5s and 10s to help us to do this.

Mariam loved Free Writing Friday today.  Mrs Devlin got just the right twinkly lights now for our Author’s Chair so it was very special to sit and read our stories out today.  Mariam wrote a super story where the setting (our focus this week) was a swimming pool.

Amelia loved music and drama with Mrs Morrison this week where the children were repeating clapping patterns.

Mrs Devlin’s ‘best bit’ was welcoming our friends from P1B into our classroom again.  I can’t believe we have been back to school for 7 weeks already!  Where has that time gone?

Please check out our virtual classroom for weekly updates and homework.  Thank you.

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