St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P1B Week Beginning 21st September 2020


We hope every one had a lovely September holiday.  It was great seeing everyone back at school on Wednesday.

Although it was a short week this week we were again very busy.

We practised forming our sounds on whiteboards and in shaving foam.

We learned to count syllables and we can clap the syllables in our names.

In Writing we wrote a fabulous sentence about what we could SEE on the farm.  We are remembering to use finger spaces between our words and a full stop at the end of our sentence.

We learned about the number 8, how to write it and different ways to make it.  We practised using Numicon by making a Numicon city.

We learned about our sense of hearing and went into the woods to do a hearing scavenger hunt and we also did an animal sound listening quiz which we loved.

Today we were very excited as we met our buddies for the first time through a Teams meet on the computer.  We made a heart for our buddy and they made one for us.  Although we cannot physically be together it was great to see them and put a face to their name.  We can’t wait to see them again soon.

Pupil Voice this week:

Daniel     I like to play with the Opticians

Jayden    I like to play with the house

Ksawery   I like to play with the construction and build things

Anthony    I like playing with all the glasses in the Opticians

Amelia       I like drawing pictures of a house

We hope you all have a lovely weekend and we look forward to seeing you again on Monday.


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