Dear readers,
We invite you to read our blog of the week.
To start the week, we have been to the Woodlands for the first time in Primary 5. When we were there, some of us decided to surprise Mrs Valente by spelling her name with wood sticks and at the end of her name we have placed a lovely love heart shaped rock! We will try to attach the clip with that to share it with you here!
One of the reasons for us to start going to the Woodlands is the fact that our topic is The Secret Garden. While we were there, Mrs Valente has divided us into pairs and gave us challenge cards that we had to complete. We have really enjoyed that!
This week in Maths we’ve learned how to round to the nearest thousand and we got really good scores! We have also learned about the Compass and the Cardinal and Intercardinal points and we were using them to follow instructions on how to move from one place to the other. We also tried to give instructions to other people on how to go from a place to another.
We have started reading The Secret Garden and felt very shocked at the events from chapter 1. Our reading comprehension was about Chapter 2 from The Secret Garden and we got to make Mary Lennox in cardboard, which was particularly fun since she is very grumpy! Our writing was a detailed character description of Mary and we congratulate our star writers of the week for their achievement!
For Art, we have been doing our own watercolour trees but we will only start the water colouring part next week. We hope to show them to you in our next blog.
In Religious and Catholic Education, we have learned how to locate a given scripture in the Bible after learning how it is organised.
Since we have worked really hard, we are looking forward to a nice, sunny, calm weekend and we send our love to all of you!
See you all next week!
Primary 5B and Mrs Valente