St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

This week in P1B


We have had another great week of learning in P1B.

In maths we have been working on our formation of the numbers 6 and 7. We have also been looking at different combinations of numbers that add together to make numbers to 7.

For literacy, we have been learning the ‘s’ sound. We were able to identify words that begin with ‘s’ and practised really hard to write it the correct way round.  We enjoyed reading the story ‘Rex’s Specs’ for book talk and made our own specs to wear home. Also, Ogilvie Bear shared pictures with us of an adventure that he had on a train. We helped him make sentences about his adventure and we all remembered a sentence needs a full stop at the end. Next week we are going to try to write our own sentence.

This week we have started to learn about our senses and focused on sight. We all had great fun playing in our class role play opticians and loved going into the woods on a sight scavenger hunt. We also did a task where we had to try and draw a picture with the clipboard on our heads so we couldn’t see. We all found this really tricky.

Scott – I liked people playing with me outside.

Sean – I liked going outside to play.

Jayden – I liked playing on the trim track.

Addison – I liked learning.

Alek – I liked going into the woods.

Alex – I liked listening to stories.

We hope you have a fantastic September weekend and look forward to seeing you all again on Wednesday.

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