St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P4B Learning highlights


On Monday we learned about Symmetry with Mrs McLaughlin. In the afternoon we were learning about the different faiths and made religious symbols to celebrate the different faiths in our class.

On Tuesday, we started our day with our magic number and learned to be number detectives. Our Place Value knowledge is wonderful and we are beginning to complete more math challenges. Everyday we complete a spelling task and now we are starting to use describing bubbles to make our sentences even better. We carried out a listening game outdoors on Tuesday afternoon which was lots of fun.

On Wednesday afternoon we were practising our Spanish vocabulary then we made fans with Spanish greetings and emotions.



On Thursday we watched a video about Henry ” The Incredible Book Eating Boy” and we wrote excellent describing sentences. During our outdoor learning, one group went to the woods and made birds nests by using natural objects lying around. We could only use one hand because birds only use their beaks to build their nests. The other group had their turn to weed the school garden. It was sunny and warm so lots of fun working with our partners.

Today we did our Beat That, CLIC, Spelling and a listening game before going onto complete an emotions activity.

Our homework activities will begin on Monday the 28th of September. Mrs Miller will post them on Teams.  In the meantime we have just to make sure our passwords work for Prodigy, Sumdog, Glow and Studyladder.

Thankfully we have Monday and Tuesday to have a little break in the sunshine and we will all be back on Wednesday 23rd of September which is a very special day for two of our pupils.



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