St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P2/1 Week Beginning 14.9.20


P2/1 have had a super week! We have been enjoying the lovely weather too and because it was dry we went up to the woodlands. We noticed we are starting to see signs of Autumn! Here are our highlights:

Zac liked it when we revisited our learning about Holy Water and practised blessing ourselves with real Holy Water.

Aaeryn-Leigh loved writing the letters she learned so far with chalk outside while the P2s wrote ‘oa’ words they had been learning. Mrs Devlin was very impressed because the children had to join the ‘o’ and the ‘a’ up and did very well!

Alexa reported that she enjoyed learning about our heart this week as part of our topic, ‘The Body’. We felt for our heart beat and compared how it felt before (resting) and after exercise. We learned how to keep our heart healthy by eating fruit and vegetables and then drew a still life of some fruit during art. Mrs Devlin was pleased to see how some boys and girls brought in healthy heart food for their snack!

Markuss enjoyed Free Writing Friday this week. We heard some fantastic stories! We know that we need to speak in a big loud voice so our friends can hear our work. Mrs Devlin’s fairy lights could not be seen among the tinsel as they were too small so we look forward to bigger ones next Friday.

Mrs Devlin’s highlight was when the children got really excited about a game for our learning to read the ‘ai’ word ‘aim’. The kids tried their best to aim a ball and throw it through some circular spaces on something I had in the classroom that I picked up in IKEA but hadn’t quite decided what to use it for yet. They loved it so much they wanted to play it during their Choosing Time for the rest of the week.

Remember next week we return to school on Wednesday.  See you then!  Remember to look out for updates on our Virtual Classroom on Wednesday too!

Still having some difficulty uploading photos.  These one made it into the Blog this week.

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