St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

Primary 5B – WB 07.09.20


Dear readers,

We hope you have had a really good week!

We began our week by congratulating our star writers! Well done  to them!

We also found out about our Big Maths, Beat that and Spelling scores and have congratulated the people who have worked hard to improve them!

On Monday we always change our class jobs and get rewarded when we perform very well.

This week we found out about our new Topic, which is going to be The Secret Garden, by Frances Hodgson Burnett. We were very excited because we think it will be very interesting.

In Maths, we have been learning about coordinates and have been enjoying it a lot. We  have also continued our learning on rounding to the nearest tens and hundreds.

Regarding Literacy, we have learned better how to use linking words to make our writing more interesting and less repetitive. Also in Literacy, we have been developing our reading comprehension skills and have worked on a text about a boy and his alien friends. The extract of the text we read was very interesting and mysterious…

In P.E., we have been getting ready for cross-country and every time we practise, we come back very tired!

In R.E. ,  after learning about the 10 Commandments, we have written down our own 8 Rules to make the world a better place and have illustrated them. They look very nice!😃

We have also spent the whole week practising our new spelling words and have become really good at them.

Some people, when finishing off earlier, got to start doing some SUDOKU and are getting better at it every day!

Every day we watch Newsround and after that, to show how good our listening was, we have to answer to questions from Mrs Valente, and get points or Recognition board sticky notes when we get them right.

On a Friday, we start our day with Big Maths, Beat that and also with our Weekly Spelling assessment and we try to do our best!

We would like to invite you to take part in our challenge of finding linking words, for example and, although, but, also, so, or…. We wish you luck!😂

We hope you have had a really nice time reading about what we have done this week and also that you have an exciting weekend!

Love from Primary 5B ❤

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