St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

Learning Highlights w/c 7/9/20


Dear Parents,

Another week over and we are heading ever nearer to Autumn and shorter days but that allows us to continue our outdoor learning.  On Thursday we went to the woodlands and worked in two groups again.

One group’s task was to create micro-dens and we could be as adventurous as we liked.  One group even added in a slip n’ slide.

The other group were using flint and steel to create sparks which we all managed to do.  The next task proved decidedly more difficult – sending those sparks into some cotton wool to create a flame.  Congratulations to Isabelle, Zain and the others who managed to get a flame.  The other will have to keep trying.


In mathematics we were learning about grams and kilograms and had a little practical work too.  The estimates of how many children equals one Mr McGurn ranged from pretty accurate to pretty mean, 100 pupils to 1 me is a bit much!

We used this week’s writing lesson to re-draft our animal research to create tri-fold leaflets for our Rainforest display wall and have managed to get up some great examples, some pupils need a bit more time to get them finished.

In art, we were drawing rainforest animals and we have some completed ones now on display.

We continue to work hard and are coping well with our new routines and are looking forward to a real fire in the fire-pit next week!!!

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