St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

Primary 7A – Weekly Update


What a fantastic week of learning we have had in Primary 7A!  The children have taken part in a wide range of activities and have done so with great enthusiasm.

There was definitely a clear winner in terms of learning highlights.  The children had such a wonderful time outdoors in the woodlands and this is something we hope to do a lot more of this year.  Here is what they said in their own words:

Sarah: “My highlight was going outside to the woodlands and making a piece of art.”

Connor: “Going into the woodlands and building a den in 25 minutes that previously took 5 months.”

Viktoria: “Making art in the woodlands and making a house in 25 minutes.”

Temi: “My highlight was making art in the woodlands with my friends and having fun.”

Here are a few pictures so you can see what we got up to outside:


Another highlight for many of the children was our writing task this week.  We made first drafts of letters to the Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, to ask him to try and help reduce deforestation in the world’s rainforests.  We looked at the key features of a persuasive text and the children used these in their writing.  Many of them put forward excellent arguments against deforestation and were very passionate about trying to persuade the prime minister to do something about it.  Here are a few examples from their writing:

Hashim: I am sending you this letter because I strongly believe you should try to prevent deforestation.  If you do not act now, you could be known as the prime minister who done nothing to help save our planet.

Zuzanna: Firstly, it is estimated that around fifty species of plants and animals are going extinct in rainforests around the world each day.  That is one every half hour.  This is outrageous!

Megan:  Rainforest plants have been used to create life-saving drugs.  Rosy periwinkle from Madagascar helps children recover from the blood disease, leukemia.  If we continue to destroy our  rainforests, these plants will disappear and children will die.

Dawid: It is outrageous that an area of the rainforest, the size of a football pitch is being cut down every second.  It is disgraceful that the poor animals that live there may become extinct.

Next week, we will redraft our letters and post them to the prime minister.

In maths, the children have been working on multiplying using rounded numbers.  They have also been converting measurements between different units of the metric system, metres to centimetre and centimetres to millimetres.  We will be continuing with this next week by measuring different items in the playground and classroom, then converting our measurements accordingly.

We wish you all a lovely weekend.

Mrs Craig and Mrs Morrison




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