St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P2/1 Week Beginning 31.8.20


P2/1 have had a busy week!  I can hardly believe it is the end of the week already!  Here are our highlights:

Layla liked revisiting our learning about the church this week.  We looked at photos of St Peter’s Church and Fr Simon.  We heard how much Fr Simon loved God from a little boy and wanted to teach everyone his love for us.  He trained to become a priest at a special place called a ‘Seminary’ when he was an adult.  We practised genuflecting (kneeling with our right knee and blessing ourselves with our right hand) before sitting in our seat.  We know to do this when we next go to mass.

Chiji reported how his favourite part of the day is tidy up time.  He likes to put everything back in its special place after ‘choosing time’ and get a coin for his treasure chest as a reward!

Daniel enjoyed learning about how we can communicate our feelings through art.  We looked at some abstract art and how the choice of colour used by the artist and the brush strokes can show their feelings.  We created our own feelings art and had the class guess what feeling we were trying to communicate.

Mia has loved maths this week.  We have been finding missing numbers on the 100 square and have revisited addition.  We explored different strategies to find the answer.  Mia shared how she puts the biggest number in her head and counts on.  Good strategy Mia!

Mrs Devlin’s highlight this week was listening to a story about super heroes and how sometimes they feel sad, angry or worried.  The super heroes taught us different things we can do to calm our bodies and minds.  We can: take 5 deep breaths, dance/listen to some music, do some art, exercise, go outdoors and be in nature, eat healthy food and drink enough water and the one that Mrs Devlin liked the best – use our words and tell a trusted adult how we are feeling so they can help us.  We will continue to learn about our feelings over the coming weeks as part of our new topic ‘The Body’.

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