St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

Primary 1A Weekly Update 28th August 2020


Another great week of learning in P1A!

This week we have been learning about first, middle and end. We had to listen carefully and say where we heard the sound. We thought the naughty camel sound was very funny!

In maths we have been learning to write the numbers 0, 1 and 2. We have all been trying really hard to make sure we start at the right place. Every day we have practised counting to 20, starting at different numbers.

Miss Stebbing was very proud of us this week as we did some great writing. We were all able to say a fantastic sentence about something we liked then tried hard to write this in our jotters.

We have been enjoying lots of different activities to practice our skills. The magnetic tiles have been popular this week. Also, the creative zone has been busy. We have a new role play area, a pizza shop, where lots of orders were being placed. However, there were a few complaints about the pizzas taking taking a long time! We have given Miss Stebbing a list of things we would like to add to the shop.

Our book this week was ‘The Invisible String’. We have been missing our families when we are at school so this book has helped us to know that we are connected by a string made of love. We made 2 hearts, one for home and one for school. We know we can give our invisible string a tug to help us when we are missing our families. We brought the heart home today.

We added a few things to our emotions wall and learned about the emotion works orange and yellow cogs.

Have a great weekend everyone!

P1A and Miss Stebbing


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