St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P7B – Happy To Be Back


Dear parents, we’re glad to be back and during this week we’ve been working hard and doing lots of fun activities.

Daily KM/Mile

Since our our return to school we have been out every morning at 10 am to complete the Daily Kilometre.  We are out whatever the weather so please remember to remind us to always bring a coat suitable for the Scottish weather. 4 laps of the playground is equal to 1 Km and 6 is equal to a mile.  The ‘New Usain Bolts’ of 7B, Brooklyn, Elias, Sasha, Adrian, Xavi and Finlay have even manged to sometimes complete 8 laps – 2 Kilometres.

Topic and Art

Our topic this term is The Rainforest and we have been learning about where in the world you find Rainforests and completing exciting art tasks for our display.


We’ve been playing new fun games to learn our French numbers and conversation topics – there have been many laughs at the Ca va? game.


“I’m happy to be back at school with my friends!”


We like using the Qwizdom remotes as part of our mental maths lessons. They mean that everyone can answer all the questions, they are fun and easy to use. Elias likes trying to be the fastest to answer correctly.


P.E. is now always outdoors unless the rain is far too heavy so remembering a waterproof jacket and to come to school in outdoor P.E. kit on Tuesdays and Thursdays is a must.  At the moment we are focusing on rules of different sports.


“I like Mr McGurn’s funny/weird jokes.”  (Thanks Neil, I think!)

And Finally…

We’re all delighted to be back at school and learning new things.  We are adjusting well to the new way of doing things and showing a positive approach to things.  Next week we will be giving our House Captain speeches and holding the elections via Teams.  Anyone who wishes to be a HC or HVC should bring in their speech by next Wednesday for the election on Friday.

Enjoy your weekend,

Mr McGurn & Primary 7B.

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