Dear readers,
We hope you have had a fantastic week!
This week, in Maths and Numeracy we have been learning about ordering 4 and 5 digit numbers and we got some tricky exercises to work on!
We have been reading ‘Billionaire boy’ by David Walliams and got to do a summary of what we have read so far. We have also been answering questions about it. It is a tricky but interesting book with very difficult words and lots of hidden jokes. We have chosen as our word boost words from the book for this week the following words: dolefully, defiantly, suppress, protested and audition. Do you know what they mean?
Our writing session this week has been about describing and writing about our own ‘fantastic beasts’, which we also had to draw. We had to write four different paragraphs to do that and it was very interesting. One of the paragraphs included a description of their name, age, and gender. Our last paragraph was a conclusion which included our feelings about our own beast.
Most of us have now finished our beautiful ‘All about ourselves swirls’ that tell people about our personality.
Because of our learning on the ‘Miracle of Fatima’, we followed a tutorial to create our own dancing suns and they turned out to be amazing!
Once again we have learned about the SHANARRI wheel and we have discussed how we feel about each one of the things in it: Safe, Healthy, Active, Nurtured, Achieving, Respected, Responsible and Included.
We have carried on doing our ‘Big Maths, Beat that’ which we have been doing since Primary 4 and we are really good at it!
We have also completed our spelling assessments and are hopeful that we are going to get really good results!
We watch ‘Newsround’ every day and Mrs Valente always asks us questions about it and gives us points or a recognition board sticky note when we get them right!
We hope you have had a good time reading about what we have learned in school and wish you a nice weekend!
from Primary 5B