St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P2/1 Week Beginning 24.8.20


P2/1 have had a great week!  It has gone in very fast!  Here are some of the highlights according to your lovely children:

Paige liked using soft pastels to recreate a piece of art work called ‘Kandinsky circles’.  We used our fingers to move the colour around.  More hand washing in P2/1 but a lovely colourful final piece.

DaisyDee liked it when she won a prize for having glued her work into her new jotter the neatest.

Rebekah loved playing Hide and Seek in the playground with her friends this week at playtime.

Aiden enjoyed learning how to say ‘I like’ and ‘I don’t like’ in Spanish with Paula the puppet who joins us for our Spanish lessons.  We heard how P2/1 like many fruit and vegetables as part of our learning about being healthy.  We were reminded that we do not bring any strawberry or kiwi fruits or flavours into school as it makes some of our SJO family very sick.

Mrs Devlin’s highlight this week was when we did our story writing.  We examined a picture and wrote what we could see.  I was so impressed with how much the children remembered – beginning  sentences with a capital letter, using finger spaces, resting letters on the line, using a full stop at the end of the sentences and of course listening for their sounds within words and writing them done.  I could not of been prouder.




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