St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.



Dear Parent/Guardian,

Good morning everyone, hooray we have all completed one full week in Primary 4. This week I have been getting to know your lovely children some appear confident and happy, some are feeling a little anxious. Gradually, we have been easing back in to school life and learning new routines that will keep everyone as safe as possible.

Best days of the week so far appear to be Tuesday and Thursday as they have outdoor PE with Mrs Lafferty and Outdoor Learning in the afternoon with myself and a support assistant. Over the next few weeks we will be weeding the school garden area at the back of the school and bringing it back to life. It would be excellent if you could allow your child to bring in Wellington boots or old shoes which you don’t mind getting them muddy, they will bring them home each day as we can’t store them at school.

We are also making a great effort to get academic learning back at the appropriate level to build the learning confidence of all the children in our class. We have already carried out spelling, reading and maths assessments with a few more assessments to be carried out next week.

Primary 4 are hoping to set up homework through teams in the next few weeks but I want to build the children’s confidence using the system before we use it for homework purposes. By the end of August they will be in a reading group and their reading book will go home with them.  I am hoping over the next few weeks that the children will be able to post a weekly blog to let you all know their favourite learning activities and how they are feeling.

Thank you for sharing your lovely children with me this year, I hope they will have a wonderful learning adventure in Primary 4.

Mrs Miller

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