Dear parents, carers and friends:
We have finished our first week in Primary 5B and feel very proud of our hard but fun work!
Throughout this first full week we have had the opportunity to do a lot a work, from active spelling activities with our SHANARRI WORDS, (Safe, Healthy, Active, Nurtured, Achieving, Respectful, Responsible and Included) to our first piece of writing! We have also learned all about place value and had some tricky active challenges! One of the most important moments of our week was learning about the miracle of Fatima and all the boys and girls were astonished by how many thousands of people had been there to see it!
We have also had the opportunity to play ‘Hangman’ and ‘Guess who’s on the board?’ and that was very much fun for everyone!
The week ended with our classic ‘Big maths beat that’ and also with our first online Senior Assembly! It has been great being together again!
to all and wishes of a great weekend followed by a wonderful new week!
Mrs Valente and P5B