St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

Primary 1A Weekly Update 21st August 2020


We have completed our first full week of school and Miss Stebbing is very proud of us all. We have settled into school really well and have learned our new routines quickly.

This week we have been focusing on our listening skills. We had to listen for sounds that were the same or different and also loud or quiet. This is something we can practice at home to help us get ready for learning our sounds.

Our book this week was The Colour Monster and we learned about lots of different feelings. We made a class colour monster where we all got to colour in a square to show how we were feeling. We had some yellow as we we were happy to be making friends and playing. Some blue because we felt a bit sad when we missed our families. Pink as we felt loved by our class. Green as we were learning about blowing bubbles to be calm. We also had black as we were a bit scared when there was a bear in one of the stories we heard.

In writing Ogilvie Bear brought us some of his favourite things. We wrote sentences for him using the word ‘likes’.

We have enjoyed continuing to explore the resources in the classroom and the most popular have been the monsters and beads to help our fine motor skills for writing, the car mat and the number blocks tray.

Today we enjoyed seeing ourselves on screen for our first virtual assembly with Mrs Egan. We also discussed how we show Ready, Respectful and Safe for our class charter.

Ella and Kyle are our first lead learners.  Next week they are going to watch for classmates who line up nicely, push in their chairs and who are kind to each other.

Have a lovely weekend everyone!


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