St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

A message from Mrs McKissack and Mrs Egan


Dear Boys and Girls,

We cannot believe we are at the end of term already.  It feels so long ago that we were all together but we know that staying at home and keeping safe was the right thing to do.  All of the staff are so proud of you for all that you have achieved at home with your families during this difficult time.  We have loved seeing all of the exciting and inventive ways that you have continued to learn at home and are looking forward to you teaching us new skills when we are back together again.

P7, we wish you all the best as you move on to high school.  It was lovely to see so many of you yesterday and to get to say goodbye.  You might be moving on, but you always be an Awesome Ogilvie.  Work hard, be kind and remember the words of St John Ogilvie, that you are “Born for Greater Things”.

To our parents and families, we are grateful, as ever for the support that you continue to give us.  During this time, this has been ever more evident and has made a difficult time for us all, easier to manage.  We are sure that despite the challenges, you have enjoyed the precious time that you have been able to spend with your children and know that they will have benefitted so much from their time learning from home.

To the staff of our school, we would like to thank you for all that you do, each and every day to support our children and families.  We would also like to thank you for the support that you give us, we could not do our job without you.

On behalf of all of the staff of St John Ogilvie, we wish you a pleasant Summer break and look forward to hopefully seeing you all back in August.

May the God of the quiet and stillness, fill our hearts with calm.

May the God of life and activity give us the energy to serve.

May the God of vision and confidence give us hope for the future.

Stay safe and Take Care

Mrs McKissack and Mrs Egan

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