St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

Primary 6 Morning Tasks 25-06-20


Good morning Primary 6,

This is the second last day of term!  You should take a bit of time to think about everything you have achieved in Primary 6.  I hope one of the big highlights was rehearsing and hosting your Burns’ Supper, it was certainly a highlight for me.  Also, think about how well you have all adapted to learning online over the last 14 weeks.  I am so proud of each and every one of you and I hope you are all proud of yourselves.  You have shown you are adaptable and resilient.  You have changed the way you learn, communicate and organise yourselves with very little advance notice.  You will use the technological and communication skills you have learned throughout your lives.  Just think of all the stories you’ll be able to tell your own children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews in the future.  We have all lived through a period of time that will be taught in history lessons in years to come, no-one will forget the events of the year 2020!

The tasks for this morning should be fun to do.

The final maths mystery puzzle.  Make sure you find out the culprit but also their confession message:


Complete the A-Z of this school year:


and finally, play a game of “Would You Rather?”  You can do this on your own but it would probably be more fun if you can get a brother, sister or adult to play along too:


Remember, class Teams chats are this afternoon instead of Friday.

Speak to you all later,

Mrs Morrison & Mrs Lea

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