St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

Primary 7 Wednesday 24th June PM


Good afternoon Primary 7,

Hopefully you enjoyed watching White Fang this morning and were able to spot the similarities and differences between the book and the film.  Filmmakers often have to do this because using the whole book would make the film too long or there are scenes which would be too difficult to film in real life but people can imagine in their heads while reading.

Your task for this afternoon is to write a review of either the book, which you read over this term, or the film we watched this morning. Below is a success criteria which if you follow it closely will help you write a good review- if you add a bit more detail than it asks for to make your review a bit longer, you will make it even better than that.

WF Success Criteria – book review language

WF Film-Book Review template DOC

WF Film-Book Review template PDF

There is a template which you can use, The first two pages give you questions to think about and subjects to write about as a bit of a writing frame.  If you want to approach it more independently, you can use the third and fourth pages or just write straight into your jotter or a Word document.

Looking forward to seeing what you are able to produce so post to your blogs when finished.

And finally there is a live action film version of White Fang on Disney+.  If you have access to that you could watch it and see what you think of a different approach at making the White Fang film – I prefer it over the Netflix animation.

Hope to see you all tomorrow!

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