St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P4- Monday 22nd June- Morning Activities


Good morning Primary 4. I hope you had a lovely weekend and are looking forward to your final week in Primary 4! Today, we will be exploring internet safety for the last time.

Here are your morning tasks:

Task 1 Internet Safety Rules

We have been exploring how to keep safe online. Your first task is to use your knowledge to create 5 rules that will  help you stay safe when using the internet. Internet-safety-rules-activity-sheet-editable. You can write the rules in your jotter or on a piece of paper.

Task 2 Create a survey

Your next challenge is to create a survey to find out what your family use the internet for.

  1. List 6 different reasons why people may use the internet. For example, work, games, school, recipes, to find information, etc. Remember to make ‘other’ an option in case they use the internet for something else.
  2. Ask members of your family if they use the internet for these reasons and record the answers by using tally marks.
  3. Use the answers to create a bar graph.
  4. Answer the questions.

On the first page of this document t2-m-222b-tally-and-graph-activity-sheet-template-editable-version_ver_4, I have quickly made an example for you to look at. The second page has the sheet you can use. Remember, you do not have to use the sheet. You can complete the task in your jotter or on a piece of paper.

We hope you enjoy the tasks!

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