St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P6 Tasks – Friday 19th June


Good morning P6!  I hope that everyone has had a good week.  Here are your tasks for today:

Task 1  – Health and Wellbeing – Rights Respecting Schools

On Monday, we shared this and asked you to complete no more than 3 of the tasks.  Can you please select others to do for today?  Mrs Miller is looking for evidence for our RRS award so if you are able to type tasks, Mrs Lea and I can pass them on to her to count towards our evidence.  I know that she’ll be appreciative of some quality work from pupils who are going to be our most senior students very soon!


Task 2 – RME

“The greatest among you shall be your servant”  (Matthew 23:11)

During lockdown, Mrs McKissack has continued to work really hard to serve our school community.  Can you write a prayer of thanks for her and illustrate this?  You could make a video and add music/effects or use Sway (you can access this through your Glow account) to make a powerpoint for her.  I know that she would really appreciate this (you might even make her cry!)  Don’t forget to share your tasks on your PLBs.

Class chats at 10am today, we will speak to you soon!

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