St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P7 Afternoon Post -18.6.20


Good Afternoon Primary 7,

Hopefully you have all had a great week so far and have been enjoying some time outdoors.

I know that most of you were completing transition work last week therefore you would not have been able to complete the technology task that was set.  You were set the task of planning a model of either a Scottish or Canadian landmark.  This week we are going to move on to creating the model.  Here is the link to the task from last week, as you will need to complete this part before you move on to creating your model:

It is not expected that you will complete everything today, so don’t worry, you can always work on it over the next week or so.

Once you have completed the Ask, Imagine and Plan stages of the design process you can move on to the final two stages.  These are:

Create:  Make your model, carefully following the plan that you have made.

Improve:  Consider how your model could be improved further and make the changes.

These two stages might overlap as you may find that you need to make changes as you go.

Once you have completed your model, please post a photograph of it on your personal learning blog for us to see.  We can’t wait to see your completed models.

Have a lovely afternoon!

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