St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P7 Morning Tasks 17/6


Good Morning Primary 7,

Today’s Numeracy Work

Today is the last day of our Grand Designs challenge, so far you have designed and floored your house today it is all about decorating.

You will need to choose at least three rooms in your house to decorate, if you want to you can decorate them all. Below, you will find a list of things that you must include in your rooms. Depending on whether you choose to decorate a bathroom, kitchen, games room etc. there will be other things that you need to include. The document below gives some ideas of places to look for prices.

Grand Designs Part 3


Today’s Literacy Work

The last few days you have been completing tasks based on a leaflet about Edinburgh Castle, your challenge today is to create your own leaflet for a tourist attraction either in Scotland or Canada. Think about what you have seen on the Edinburgh Castle leaflet and use it as an example of what important information you have to include. Remember you can do this on paper, in your jotter, or on a computer.

Leaflet Template


Remember to post to your PLB



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