St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P4- Wednesday 17th June- Afternoon Activities


Good afternoon Primary 4.

Here are your tasks:

Task 1- Create a Coding Map

This morning, you completed the pirate coding map challenge. Now you have the opportunity to create a coding map. It can be any theme you want such as, the beach, space, rainforest, sea, etc.

Remember to write the word ‘start’ on the map so you know where to begin. When you have completed the map, write the commands you need to follow to land on each item on the map. For example, forward 3 and left 2 to find the alien.

You can use the template My coding map template or you can draw it on a piece of paper.

Task 2- PE

Mrs Lafferty will be posting a sports activity for you to complete.

We hope you have fun completing the tasks!

Mrs Wong and Mrs Valente

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