St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P4B AM Thursday 11th June


Good morning P4!  This morning’s tasks are:


Using cursive writing, write 3 sentences about:

  1. Something I have enjoyed learning about this week and why?
  2. Something I have enjoyed doing this week and why?
  3. How I have been feeling this week.


Over the past couple of weeks we have been thinking about play scripts. We have written our own scripts. Today I would like us to complete a play script.

  1. Watch the story ‘The Three Little Pigs’
  2. Continue the play script of the Three Little Pigs The-three-little-pigs-complete-scene


Today, we are going to think about measuring mass using Grams (g) and Kilograms (kg). Watch the YouTube clip and work through the tasks.

  1. What will it measure? Grams or Kilograms
  2. Reading Scales Reading Scales
  3. How many to make a Kg How many

If you are in the ‘Telescope’ or the ‘Pencil’ group with Mrs Green here is your daily Numeracy and Literacy Grid. Thursday morning tasks

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