St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P4-7 PE 10/06/20


Good Morning,

Today’s challenge is a little bit of fun, you will need someone to complete today’s challenge with you, maybe a sibling or an adult could join in.

Do not worry if you do not have a printer, you could copy out the grid onto a sheet of paper.  If you do not have a dice there is a link in the document that you can click to roll a dice online or you can write the numbers 1-6 on a piece of paper and pull them out of a hat or bowl for each turn.

The aim of today’s challenge is to be the first person to make it all the way around the board, each time you land on a square you must complete the exercise or follow the instruction given.

I hope you have fun with today’s task.

P4-7 Home Learning Task 10-06-20


If you are looking for other ways to keep active throughout the day you can also have a look at the document below which is full of fun links to stay active.

Just for Fun

Don’t forget to check out the @WLPENetwork twitter each day for fun daily challenges!

WLPENetwork Twitter


Stay safe and stay active,

Mrs Lafferty

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