St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

Primary 7 Tuesday 9th June PM


Good Afternoon Primary 7,

Today’s RE:

In RE lessons in school and at Mass at St. Peter’s, you will have heard that we are called to be saints and that God sends us his Holy Spirit to help us.

Listen to this hymn in a quiet place.

Reflect on how we could be more like the saints and come up with a Top Ten Tips for being a good person.  Write these in your jotter or type them into a Word document.

Finally, recite the Apostles’ Creed to finish today’s RE.

Today’s Science:

While it can be quite hard to complete science experiments it home, this one shouldn’t be too hard.  Make sure you get permission to use things from around the house and if you don’t have exactly the same equipment in the house, find something you can adapt to serve the same purpose – E.g. you don’t have lollipop stick maybe you could use a toothpick or a straw.  Also be careful when using boiled water from the kettle – leave the experiment to cool where there is no risk of it being knocked over.

Today you are going to grow Sugar Crystals!!!

You will obviously complete the first part of this experiment today but will have to revisit it throughout the week to report on progress.  You can use a this template to write up your experiment or a similar format in your jotter or typed up.

Science Experiment Template

Don’t forget to share your work to your Personal Learning Blog and have a good afternoon.

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