St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

Primary 7 4th June am Tasks


Good Morning Primary 7.

Today some of you will be getting the chance to complete some transition tasks for St Margaret’s. If you are taking part in these activities you do not need to complete the tasks below. The transition tasks will run in the morning, so you will still be able to complete the afternoon work.

Today’s Numeracy Work:

A little bit of fun numeracy to round off our Health Fortnight, the missing sack from sports day. There are a few different challenges –  some place value, data handling, money and measure. Read every question really carefully to work out the clues and solve the mystery.

The Mystery of the Missing Sacks


Today’s Literacy Work:

Grammar this week is about the use of apostrophes.  You can you use them to show when someone owns something, Peter’s pencil, or as a contraction where you shorten two words together, I am – I’m.

Try this online game and see if you can beat the clock. Some of them aren’t too obvious so you might need to play a couple of times.

Now you have the Apostrophes PowerPoint which has a range of activities for you to complete in your jotter or a Word document.

Apostrophes Grammar


Remember and post to you PLB!

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