St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

Primary 7 3.6 am post


Good Morning Primary 7, hope you are still getting a chance to enjoy this nice weather – sadly I don’t think it has to last much longer!

Today’s Numeracy Task

For mental maths we continue with Big Maths Beat That. Try to improve on your score from yesterday.  Post your scores/times to Your Personal Learning Blog.

BMBT Learn Its Week 7

We continue our revision of Decimals today.  There are 3 levels of choice, some people found Spicy quite a challenge yesterday and it is a step up from last week’s work, if needed start on Mild and see if that helps you grasp things a bit easier.

Here’s a little game to get you warmed-up. It can be a multiplayer game if you want to challenge someone in the house.

Mild Decimals Wed

Spicy Decimals Wed

Hot Decimals Wed


Today’s Literacy Task

For our writing today we are going be looking at some really special moments in sporting history. Below there are a series of links to some sporting heroes winning medals, breaking records, and winning over millions of fans. You are going to choose one of these sporting moments and write about it as if you were there. Last week you wrote a news report so you should have an understanding of layout and what kind of content to include. Remember you do not have to watch the whole clip, particularly for the longer events, why not watch the minute that person knows they have won. Think about the atmosphere, the emotions of both the sports star and the fans, perhaps pretend you had the opportunity to interview them – what might they say?

Mo Farah

Chris Hoy

Andy Murray

Usain Bolt

Johnny Peacock

Remember to post to your PLB

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