Good afternoon everyone,
I hope you’ve all had a good morning. Make sure you get outside for a wee while this afternoon as the weather forecast says our good weather is coming to an end for a few days so you need to make the most of it.
This afternoon we’re going to take part in the next part of Mrs Lafferty’s Virtual Sports’ Fortnight and also do some art work.
Here’s the link for Mrs Lafferty’s activity:
We’re going to look at more line and pattern work in art. There are a few examples for you to look at and then either copy one or come up with an idea of your own using the same line and pattern skills:
Can you please save any toilet roll tubes and egg boxes your family use for the art activity next Tuesday? Don’t worry if you don’t get any egg boxes but it would be useful if you do have one or two.
Have a good afternoon P6, remember to upload photos of your artwork for us to enjoy.
Mrs Morrison & Mrs Lea