St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P5B Friday 29th May


Good Morning Everyone.  Looking forward to our chat at 9.30am. I’m hoping to share a HWB task with you. Bring a piece of paper and a pencil with you to the meeting please.


Daily Challenge

You can choose today if you want Handwriting or a Maths Challenge

Handwriting 1                                       area-and-perimeter-challenge-cards-pack-1B


Rights of the Child

Article-of-the-Week -Article-15



PP Understanding food for choices

Create a poster to advertise the need for labels on food or write a paragrph to explain why food labels are important and what they tell us.

Food-label-scavenger-hunt-activity   A fun activity that can be done over the weekend.

Don’t forget to post your work on the Personal Learning Blogs


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