St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

Primary 6 Afternoon Tasks 28-05-20


Good afternoon Primary 6,

Sorry, I forgot to press publish!  Far too excited about speaking to my class this afternoon!

I hope you’ve had a good morning and got a bit of sunshine and vitamin D, you should hopefully manage a bit more this afternoon.

Along with Mrs Lafferty’s Virtual Sports’ Day activity we’re going to do some music tasks.

Your music starter is a Sports’ Day special.  Can you write the sports under the correct rhythm?  Can you write at least two more sports for each rhythm?

Next, find your current favourite song (or one you just really like) and have a dance and sing to it.  Once you’ve listened and joined in once, listen again and start adding some rhythms to it.  It could be as simple as tapping your table or clapping your hands or snapping your fingers or you could create your own, home-made, drum kit with things you can find (don’t choose breakable things please….) kitchens are usually great resources and wooden spoons make pretty good drum sticks!

Here’s my current favourite song but It will have changed by next week or maybe even tomorrow!

Have fun!

Mrs Morrison & Mrs Lea

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