St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

Primary 6 Afternoon Post 27-05-20

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Good afternoon everyone!

I hope you manage to get outside for a wee while this afternoon to make the most of the sunshine and to “catch” some vitamin D!

This afternoon we have a STEM activity and our virtual Sports’ Day task from Mrs Lafferty.

Here’s the link to Mrs Lafferty’s post:

Remember to send her your videos and scores.

Your STEM task is to build a boat.  It can’t be too big as it needs to float either in your bath or sink or, if you have a garden, you could use a bucket or basin of water outside.  Your boat must be able to float AND carry cargo.  It might carry pennies or coins or passengers (lego figures, LOL dolls, etc.), or any other cargo you find that won’t be damaged by getting wet if your boat accidentally capsizes.  You can construct your boat from any materials you can find in your home or garden (do check you aren’t using something that belongs to someone else that they may need).  You may wish to add a sail to assist your boat to move but that isn’t a necessity.  We’d like to see photos and videos (if you can) of your boats floating with their cargo on board.

Here are some design ideas to get you started but you don’t need to copy any of these if you have a different or better idea.

Have fun everybody!

Mrs Morrison & Mrs Lea

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