St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P4B AM Wednesday 27th May


Good Morning P4!

This morning’s tasks are:


Using cursive writing, write 3 sentences about:

  1. Something I have enjoyed learning about this week and why?
  2. Something I have enjoyed doing this week and why?
  3. How I have been feeling this week.


Today, we are going to be thinking about ‘Paragraphs’.

  1. Look at the Paragraph PPT to find out what a paragraph is and when they are used. Paragraphs PPT
  2. Choose a fruit or a vegetable and write a description of it using paragraphs, considering size, shape, colour and texture. Remember a paragraph is used for each new piece of information. I would also like to see at least a couple of sentences for each paragraph and use of descriptive language.


Today we are going to use our knowledge of fractions/division to work out sums to colour in and find a picture.

Remember a fraction is made up with a ‘Numerator’ (the top part of a fraction and tells us how many pieces we have) and a ‘Denominator’ (the bottom part of a fraction that shows how many it is cut into).

Picture Puzzle 1 Picture Puzzle 2   These can be printed and completed or completed on Word.

If you are in Mrs Green’s  ‘Telescope’ or the ‘Pencil’ group here is your daily Numeracy and Literacy Grid.

Wednesday Morning Tasks

Letter formation

Telecopes and Pencils – Listen to this story before your fractions task:

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