St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P4a- Wednesday 27th May- Morning Activities


Good morning P4a. I hope you had some time yesterday to enjoy the sun.

Here are your morning tasks:

Task 1 Noggle

Noggle Activity Sheet 2

Task 2 Writing- Play script

Today, we are going to look at how to write a play script.

  1. Learn about the features of a play script here: Writing a Play Script PowerPoint. To view the PowerPoint, click on the ‘slide show’ button at the top of the screen then click on the ‘from the beginning’ button.

2. You are now going to identify different features of a play script. Here is the task: Identifying the features of a play script

3. Lastly, you are going to start to plan your play script. You will focus on the characters today. Characters for play script

Task 3 Money

Find the name of your group and complete the task here: Healthy menu task

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