St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

Primary 6 Afternoon Tasks 25-5-20


Good Afternoon Primary 6. I hope you have had a busy morning.We are only posting one activity to allow you to video yourself completing your speed jump activity!

In the month of May, the Catholic Church celebrates Mary in many different ways and if you look at the PowerPoint you will learn more about these.

Task1  – Write a special prayer to Mary thanking her for looking after us and keeping our family and friends safe, especially during this time. You can use the prayer template or simply write it in your home learning journals. The PowerPoint also provides you with some ideas on how to start your prayer.  It might be nice to decorate your completed work before you post it to your PLB.


Prayer Template

Task 2  Many Catholics crown a statue of Mary with flowers to represent her queenship as the Mother of Jesus Christ. Your task is to make your own crown for Mary . Have a look at the examples in the word document attached. Perhaps you could use some flowers from the garden or tissue paper, if this is not possible. Alternatively use whatever craft materials are available, but be creative and imaginative !

A Crown for Mary

Have  a great afternoon!

Mrs Lea


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