St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P4a- Monday 25th May- Afternoon Activities


Good afternoon P4a. Here are your afternoon activities:

Task 1 Science- Teeth

1. Watch the clip about wobbly teeth:
2. Look at the PowerPoint here: Types and Functions of Teeth- Humans and Animals
3. Complete the worksheet about teeth here: Comparing teeth human and animal. The mild task is the 1 star task, the medium task is the 2 star task and the hot task is the three star task.
4. You can choose to investigate a tooth fairy here: Activity Sheet All Those Teeth – BW Again, the mild task is the 1 star task, the medium task is the 2 star task and the hot task is the three star task.


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